Not all signal deployments are planned. Utility leaks, road traffic collisions, police incidents and failures of permanent signals can all result in the need to urgently deploy temporary traffic management on an emergency basis.
Emergency Works
In an emergency situation, the speed with which the safety of a site can be assured is the primary objective. However, an emergency call-out typically then develops into a longer term requirement for traffic management, therefore the transition from emergency provisions to more planned provisions is important.

A Traffic Management provider called out for emergency works needs to have a range of practical options available to fulfil the emergency requirement with a minimum of delay. This may be challenging because emergency works can appear anywhere on the network. The requirement be located next to or within a busy junction. It could be on a high-speed road.
1. Rapid Response
Conventional portable signals need to be transported by a traffic management vehicle with suitable flatbed with tail lift or by trailer.
Unloading signals on site may also present an issue if there is no safe area to do so.
2. Impact Mitigation
A sudden incident can cause severe delays, impacting the local road network.
Being able to quickly gain control of vehicle movements is vital to reducing congestion in the surrounding area.
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Highly Practical RC2 Tripod
The RC2 Tripod product is an obvious first choice for an initial response at emergency works.
It can be delivered quickly to site and benefits from 72 hours of runtime. This is long enough for an evaluation of the ongoing traffic management requirement to be made.
The RC2 Tripod features AutoGreen technology, allowing sites under 2-way control to be managed automatically with exceptional efficiency.

Take Control with Evo1 Pro
The Evo1 system delivers complex signalling using highly portable hardware, making it very well suited to emergency works.
The ‘Crossover’ behaviour of the Evo1 also comes into play for this application, being able to switch from simple phase-based signalling to stage-based signalling with addition of an Evo1 Pro control unit.
With Evo1 Pro, the Evo1 signals can be switched over to ‘Pro Signal’ mode and operate with permanent-style signalling efficiency.